Hey Folks!

It's Gerald in Beautiful Jacksonville, Florida! Thanks for responding to my ad and for stopping by my website to check out what I've got for you.

Now many of you got here a few different ways:

  • You saw an ad on "Social Media" while you were catching up with friends...
  • You saw a classified ad on "Craigslist.org" or another Classified Ads website...
  • You received a "Postcard" in the mail from your neighborhood USPS Postal Worker!
So look... I want you to find out what this is all about. But, I'm not gonna be bothering you by calling you up and explaining everything. A part of what makes my business SUPER easy is letting the "Tools" do ALL of the work! This is exactly what you will be doing too. Letting YOUR tools do all of the explaining - if, you decide to come aboard.

Now, I'm about to give you the "Who, What, Where, When, Why & How" of this whole thing. It is important that you have ALL of the information/details before you get started with us.


WHO... Am I?

Again, my name is Gerald Walker I live in Beautiful Jacksonville, Florida! I've been married to my beautiful wife Keisha for over 10 years now, but we've been together for almost 20 years! We share 4 amazing children, Keyaira, Desiree, Devin & Trinity and new editions.. our grandbabies Kimora & Kaiser! I work full-time as an industrial mechanic and I pursue my entrepreneurial endeavors outside my full-time job.

I love the work from home industry! It has molded me into the person I am today. It's kept me open-minded and willing to do things I probably would've never done both in my personal and my business life. I can remember the "Spark" that lit the fire in me to want to pursue being able to work and earn money from home. It was a Don Lapre infomercial. I was just blown away and extremely excited with the idea of being able to put something in place to work and earn from home.

So, I've been pursuing that ever since. I've owned a cellphone store, carpet cleaning business, been a part of numerous mlm/network marketing businesses and more.


WHAT... Am I offering you?

WHERE... Will this opportunity take you?

WHEN... Should you get started with us?

WHY... Should you join us?

HOW... Can you get started Today?