"How Does Receiving Multiple
$20 Dollar Payments - DAILY Sound?
Adding Up To $27,280 And $272,800!"

"With NO Personal Selling and NO Talking to Anyone?..."


Dear Fellow Entrepreneur...

You're at The Power Of Four Program information webpage!

We are excited you are here! If you're a complete "Newbie" or a "Seasoned Marketer", our Amazing & Proven opportunity, The Power Of Four Program, will make it easy for you to succeed!

By the time you finish reading this page, you'll discover how you can consistently make $200 - $1000 per day just by sending people to this webpage... and how ALL of our members help one another by advertising to DOMINATE as a GROUP!

So, What Is The Power Of Four Program?

We are promoting one of the Hottest Money-Makers today! The Power Of Four Program is a very popular Mailing Program that the folks at the Mountain Marketing Company created. You get access to a Marketing Kit that you'll receive in the mail and our online resources that contain numerous ebooks & video training on a number of relevant subjects, ad copy and much more. You also get rights & instructions to resell this whole package and have the opportunity to earn a Six-Figure Yearly Income!

Below is a copy of the 2-Page PDF you will
get with your name in the #1 Spot to advertise
and earn YOUR $20 Dollar payments!!!


Page 1


Page 2

Once you join you will get access to this INCREDIBLE program that doesn't require you to personally sell or talk to anyone. That is what is attracting so many people to this program!

We have kept this entire program simple to understand and follow - so you don't get confused or overwhelmed by it.

First, on the webpage that led you here there was a 2-page PDF document that you should have downloaded, printed and read. This PDF covers all of the details about The Power Of Four Program.

Once you finish reading and completing the instructions... you will receive everything you need to get started in this INCREDIBLE Opportunity - The Power Of Four Program!

Just a few points before you join...

Remember, you are about to become a part of program that requires:

  • NO Personal Selling!
  • NO Cold Calling People!

Many people have purchased this same exact program, followed the simple instructions in the 2-page PDF document and have been able to get on the same road to success.  We're “paying it forward” by sending this same program to you!  And what’s great is… Many people can already see themselves making an extra $1,500 or more a week with this!

First, let us show you how to get immediate results with this
INCREDIBLE Opportunity - The Power Of Four Program...

IMPORTANT: How YOU'LL Get Multiple $20 Commissions?

Our POWERFUL, Group Advertising Strategy allows us
to DOMINATE the places we are ALL advertising in...

We've taken "The Power Of Four Program" that has been successfully promoted through the mail by thousands of work-at-home entrepreneurs and we have added a bit of a twist to it...

First, we brought this program online - many people are still doing postal mailings, but we have brought it online to take advantage of the reach of the Internet. Second, instead of us advertising all alone - We are advertising as a group in the same place online to create MASSIVE popularity with our program! We are working together to attract a stampede of people to our program by shear curiosity! When people see this program being promoted by hundreds and soon to be thousands of people online - they will become curious with what is going on with our program. When they learn how Simple & Lucrative our program is they will almost feel forced to join us or never shake the feeling of wondering whether they have missed out on the "Opportunity Of A Lifetime!"

We Don't Just Get Leads, We Get SIGN-UPS & SALES!!!

The success of our advertising efforts are greatly multiplied because we advertise in the same places. It's a "Popularity Contest"! We want to win that popularity contest by advertising as frequently and consistently as possible - and that is the key. Advertising is about Frequency - the more people see our ads about our opportunity the better the chance we have to Establish & Build a relationship with them. This gives us the opportunity for them to get to KNOW us and LIKE us and TRUST us - and that leads to them Signing up with us!

All Of Our Members Advertise Together To Dominate The Places
We Advertise In To Get Sign-ups & Sales Commissions!

You will never out do the efforts of an entire group who have focused their efforts as one like we have. Our efforts are focused on dominating the places we advertise in. As new people sign up with you - your advertising power is multiplied by every new person! That is why "Team Building" is so popular and why so many people are attracted to the concept.

There's a saying that I've always loved and makes so much sense...

I'd rather earn 1% off 100 people's efforts than 100% off my own efforts.   

- John D. Rockefeller

We are part of a group, advertising the same program to create sales. Our combined advertising effort is what makes this program so successful!

But, our members are not a group of free-loaders - people waiting around for others to do the work for them. We are a group of action-takers! The entire group is part of "The Power Of Four Program"
and each one of us does our small part to advertise our personal webpages to drive traffic and create sales!

The advertising we do is Simple & Easy. We show you where and how to advertise just like us!

Imagine yourself earning $200 to $1000 per day
NON-STOP in just 3 Simple Steps...

  • Step 1 - Get Signed up with The Power Of Four Program - just follow the instructions in the 2-Page PDF!
  • Step 2 - Plug into our Group Advertising Strategy. We give you the ads and where to advertise. It only takes 20 to 30 minutes a day and your done! People will come to this webpage your on now and read about the Power Of Four Program and our unique Group Advertising Strategy!
  • Step 3 - Start receiving an Endless Stream of $20 Payments from our group advertising efforts! Awesome Sauce!!!


Real People Making REAL Money Online
With The Power Of Four Program!




Over $1,000 In Valuable Products/Services!

  • Personal Webpage - You'll get your own high converting, personalized, mobile optimized webpage! ($129 Value!)  

  • Marketing Kit - You'll receive The Power Of Four Program "Marketing Kit" mailed out to you! Details of the marketing kit are on the 2-Page PDF. ($150 Value!)  

  • Access to our Exclusive Members Area - You'll get access to our Exclusive Members Download Area - where you’ll have instant access to a boat load of proven top gun kick-butt online & offline marketing methods and resources! (to suit every budget and income target) ($495 Value!)

  • eBooks and Software - You'll also receive a wide assortment of Popular Internet Marketing Books & Software to make your marketing life easier (titles are added all of the time! ($320 Value!)

  • BackPage Training - This is a HUGE part of our Advertising Strategy and we advertise to Dominate BackPage!  ($100 VALUE!)

  • Offline Marketing Training - Includes 2 fully tested, scalable offline Lead Generation Systems using Postcard Marketing and Sticky Note Marketing Campaigns. ($97 VALUE!)

  • Done For You Marketing - ((HOT)) Eliminate the tedious job of posting multiple classified ads on BackPage. Let our EXCLUSIVE, LOW-COST BackPage Posting Service resource put your advertising on autopilot!



Getting Started...

Member Support

(Call or Text)


24/7 Information Line

So, How Do You Get Started?

1. Download and Print the 2-Page "PDF File" from the previous webpage.

2. Follow the instructions on "Page 2" for making your payment.

3. Start Advertising! We give you the ads and the advertising resource we ALL are using - that's it!

Once you make your payment your marketing kit will be mailed out to you and you'll also receive access to the download page online. We will immediately get your webpage and 2-page pdf prepared so you can start advertising!

Ready to unleash the awesome cash leveraging power of The Power Of Four Program?

Then, just follow the instructions on the 2-Page PDF that you downloaded & printed!


Frequently Asked Questions...

Q: What are the products? A: See the "What Do You Get" section above.
Q: How do I get paid? A: You receive commissions from the monitor of the program on the 1st & 3rd Friday of every month.
Q: Does this work world-wide? A: It's only available in the U.S. & U.S. Territories.
Q: Are there refunds? A: No, you will be given access to an exclusive program after you’ve paid. Only make your purchase when you have fully read how our program works and what you will be doing:)
Q: Can I purchase more than one (The Power Of Four Program)? A: Yes.
Q: Can I to talk to someone about this. What’s the phone number? A: Yes, you can definitely talk to someone. On the previous page your sponsor left their contact details or you can call Gerald @ 904-428-8040.
Q: Where is the ad copy? A: The ad copy is provided in the members area. You'll get access to the members area once your payment is received.
Q: What is the ad copy? A: We have many image ads that you can use to post on BackPage, Social media, etc.
Q: Will I get a 1099 for income? A: No, you are an independent business owner. You are responsible for accounting your income and paying taxes.
Q: Am I guaranteed to make money with this program? A: No, we can never guarantee you will make money. We advertise as a group to better our chances of getting responses from people to make sales, but that is all we are doing - bettering our chances. Please see the Earnings and Income Disclaimer below.


Earnings & Income Disclaimer

The Power Of Four Program makes an effort to accurately represent all the products and services offered on this website including, but not limited to, mindset training, success training, marketing training, and blogging platform. Our products are are sent in physical & digital format and there are NO RETURNS OR REFUNDS after successful payment due to reveal of proprietary information. As with any compensation plan, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are individual results and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. The Power Of Four Program cannot guarantee your future results or success. There are some unknown risks in any business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which could reduce the results you experience. The Power Of Four Program is not responsible for your actions.

Policies & Disclaimers: Terms Of Use | Earnings | Privacy
© 2015  All rights reserved.