Thank you for visiting. You’re about to have some fun! Before you place your ORDER please read entire webpage.

There are three packages:

Package #1 $97 Leads/scripts.
Package #2 $197 Everything in package #1 Plus DIY Tele-sales package.
Package #3 $497 Everything in package #1 and package #2 + it’s DFY.

Your typical prospect kicks the tires, thinks about it for weeks/months and then finally orders. Imagine if someone was hired to cherry pick out all the buyers – how much faster could you go?

WHAT IS THIS? IT’S A QUICK N EASY COURSE ON HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH ANY HOME BUSINESS using just one powerful script that will have your prospect LAY DOWN like a tired toddler that just got back from Disney Land!

Step #2 - Locate its affiliate offer and ethically exploit it.

Come on… bills don’t pay themselves. We want and NEED an income fast to RECOUP our distributorship and advertising costs. BUT THAT’S NOT TELLING YOU ANYTHING… YOU ALREADY KNEW THAT.

WHEN WE GET STARTED IN A NEW VENTURE WE WANT – How to make 1 sale per day.

WHAT IS THIS? #1.) IT’S A QUICK N EASY COURSE ON HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH ANY HOME BUSINESS using just one powerful script that will have your prospect LAY DOWN like a tired toddler that just got back from Disney Land!
Step #1.) FIND/PICK A PRODUCT/COMPANY YOU LIKE THAT'S MAKING STRONG SALES! Step #2.) Locate its affiliate offer and ethically exploit it.
Come on, … bills don’t pay themselves. We want and NEED an income fast to RECOUP our distributorship and advertising costs. BUT THAT’S NOT TELLING YOU ANYTHING … YOU ALREADY KNEW THAT.

… bills don’t pay themselves. We want and NEED to make it fast to RECOUP our distributorship and advertising costs. BUT THAT’S NOT TELLING YOU ANYTHING … YOU ALREADY KNEW THAT.

CLEAN OFF THE MANTLE because that’s where the trophy is going.

This is us in the car +

We want leads/prospects of guys that read the paper with visors on.

We add an outstanding product. Preferably one that sells itself.

They see it, they order and that gets us cash.


20 Appointments per day MINIMUM is where you want to be. That creates 1 sale per day.
$10 per sale is $300 per month
$100 per sale = $3K per month
$300 per sale = $9K per month
$1000 per sale = $30K per month
Don’t worry about whether you can do it. You can!
The VOLUME is the reason it works.
THE NUMBERS: 10 will disappear. 7 will say they don’t have the money. 3 will order.
One will order soon, one will order later and one will order much later.

Contact people who have ALREADY inquired about working from home, making money, or a home business.
See if the offer you promote has a referral offer.
Based on that they’ll send you a commission.
“BUT I’m not a salesperson??!!”
If you can invite a person to watch a video you can you can make money.
Your offer has a sales presentation because it SOLD YOU. Show them the same one.

Create a top 10 list of all the benefits of your offer. Then boil it down to a top 3 list. Craft 1 sentence using only those 3 and that’s your OPENING SALES PITCH or LANDING PAGE!.
That guarantees an exciting heart-pounding 8-second roller coaster ride.
AND THAT’S ALL THE JUICE WE NEED to get it running like a well-oiled machine!
Now that we just turned the prospect into a lead with the ease of spreading warm butter on toast – we share it all top to bottom: Name, Company, Founder, Product, Price, Launch date, etc. All in seconds – it’s what we’d want. Besides, we already have the lead so NO REASON to hold them up.
Now, they’ve got it all. They’ll appreciate the time savings, straightforwardness and will feel CONFIDENT about your abilities.
YOU DID THEIR HOMEWORK FOR THEM! … and did them a HUGE favor!
To push them over the top we include why they want it – why they want it with us – and why they want it RIGHT NOW
Then we ASK FOR THE ORDER then share where and how to place it.
Q.) But I never sold before? We’re DELIVERING presentations we’re not DOING presentations. Don’t overthink it and let them make the decision. Just deliver package like a courier. These people answered an ad. You, make a friend, make them laugh, deliver the “package” and keep MOVING

THE MASTER LIST: This is every question your prospect could possibly ask you. Once you know all the answers to all the questions you’ll be ready, better prepared, and you’ll end up making more sales because of it.
THE ONE DOC: Designed to get the prospect educated quickly ALL at one time and ALL in one sitting and ALL on one-page. Don’t miss this one because the faster they can get you educated the faster they will order.
THE RATTLER: The cheat sheet that’ll make you sound like a 20-year veteran!
REVERSE FOLLOW UP: Instead of chasing prospects down to see if they’re ready to order. This super slick method gets your prospects to follow up with you!
THE SCRIPT: Crafted, carved out and created TO DO ONE THING! … and that’s to get your prospect ON the phone and off in seconds so you can move onto the next lead and make even more money.

You’ll be a machine after this

Add this TRAILER to the end of each one of your calls! It causes your prospects to follow up with you so you can spend more time closing.

So smooth they’ll be rolling over like a dog that wants his belly rubbed!
You MUST have this in FRONT of you before you talk to ANYONE!
The one document you can present to your prospects that will cause them to order.
Once you have the answers to your prospects questions you get more orders.

Imagine 1 sales reps making HUNDREDS of sales calls daily getting you new customers. Sound crazy? Now imagine 5!
The phone has been used to communicate messages for eons. Now, that same tool hosts Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter, Youtube, and countless other apps making the MOBILE PHONE the KING OF THE CASTLE
Why make sales 1 X 1 when you can hire sales reps TO DO it for you? WHY NOT HAVE SOMEONE WHO LOVES TO SELL AND PAY THEM THE SAME MONEY YOU WERE ALREADY SPENDING IN ADVERTISING? Get the same superstars that work for AT&T, Channel 2 and Direct TV PROMOTING your offer!

THE ONE DOC: Designed to get the prospect educated quickly ALL at one time and ALL in one sitting and ALL on one-page. Don’t miss this one because the faster they can get you educated the faster they will order.
THE SCRIPT: Crafted, carved out and created TO DO ONE THING! … and that’s to get your prospect ON the phone and off in seconds so you can move onto the next lead and make even more money.

THE MASTER LIST: This is every question your prospect could possibly ask you. Once you know all the answers to all the questions you’ll be ready, better prepared, and you’ll end up making more sales because of it.
REVERSE FOLLOW UP: Instead of chasing prospects down to see if they’re ready to order. This super slick method gets your prospects to follow up with you!
THE RATTLER: The cheat sheet that’ll make you sound like a 20-year veteran!
Everythinig in package #1 plus: How to get someone else to do the work. No matter what home business you’re doing. Where to get telemarketers for under $3 an hour What system to put them on. Where to get leads. Sales script Referral script (don’t miss this one)
WE DO IT. We set up. We get leads to your landing page. We advertise it. You bring landing page and automated follow up system aka autoresponder. Follow instructions inside. Plus everthing inside package #1 and package #2.

Q.) What is this all about? We are selling a course delivering knowledge, know-how, scripts and sources on how to make $100,000 in any home-based business with the most basic 3 tools; Pen, Pad, Phone. We know once you’re able to make money using just these three tools you can make money with anything! Don’t want to make calls … don’t have time to make calls? Use the information inside to get someone else to do it.
Q.) How is this info delivered? Depending on what you buy. Either download by email or access inside our member area.
Q.) Which home based business is this product for? This course will work for any home business. Doesn’t matter.
Q.) WHO THIS IS FOR?- – The new guy/gal getting started in their home business. – The distributor who wants to train his/her sales reps. – Anyone who has joined a home based business and just never made it work. – Anyone who wants to get sales reps connecting with more people.
Q.) If I order now will I still get this offer? ONLY if you hurry.
Q.) Is this a good deal? It’s exceptional. There are other guys charging MORE right now and you get less!
Q.) But I never sold before? No worries. Your prospects don’t know that. You could put a banquet table on your front lawn, put a cash register on it, stand behind it, and people will pull over and ask you what you’re selling.
Q.) Are there any rules I need to follow/? Yes, no spam and follow all federal and state laws.
Q.) I’m afraid of sales, what should I do? Start selling anyway. You are either helping someone sell or you are in sales yourself. If you’re going to work, work where the money is.
Q.) What kind of offers are these people looking for? The list is unlimited. They are not quite sure. They want something hot! They’ve seen the infomercials on late night TV. They’ve seen the ads in magazines and they are tired of their regular job. They want out.

THE SCRIPT: Crafted, carved out and created TO DO ONE THING! … and that’s to get your prospect ON the phone and off in seconds so you can move onto the next lead and make even more money.
THE ONE DOC: Designed to get the prospect educated quickly ALL at one time and ALL in one sitting and ALL on one-page. Don’t miss this one because the faster they can get you educated the faster they will order.
Documents only. No back office access. Includes Bonus #1 only.

Why make sales 1 X 1 when you can hire sales reps TO DO it for you? Get the same superstars that work for AT&T, Channel 2 and Direct TV PROMOTING your offer!
THE MASTER LIST: This is every question your prospect could possibly ask you. Once you know all the answers to all the questions you’ll be ready, better prepared, and you’ll end up making more sales because of it.
THE RATTLER: The cheat sheet that’ll make you sound like a 20-year veteran!
REVERSE FOLLOW UP: Instead of chasing prospects down to see if they’re ready to order. This super slick method gets your prospects to follow up with you! INCLUDES everything inside package #1 PLUS BONUS #1 AND BONUS #2

WE DO IT. We set up. We get leads to your landing page. We advertise it. You bring landing page and automated follow up system aka autoresponder. Follow instructions inside. Plus everything inside package #1 and package #2. Includes all bonuses.

Step #1 Get back to the brilliant mind that invited you here.
Step #2 Place your order.
Step #3 Get Ready

GET READY to watch all the feet being removed from the mouths of those who questioned your judgment when you told them you started a new venture!
GET READY to hear a spouse that finally has to say “YOU WERE RIGHT HONEY! This business was the best thing that ever happened to us just like you said it would be (And you won’t even say “I told you so!” because you know they know you did)
GET READY to wink at friends, neighbors and family members after they say “WAY TO GO!” and “WE KNEW YOU COULD DO IT! even though some of these people are the same people who thought you’d never make it.

If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards. – Bear Bryant
REFUND POLICY. There are no refunds on this offer. If you feel this purchase may take food out of your families mouth, please do not order.
DELIVERY: We send out access within 24 hours of receiving your order! Our reps work in the field. Sometimes it takes a day or two for them to get your order to us because of weekends, holidays and just being plain busy. Please allow a few days to get your info to you. BONUS DELIVERY: Due to availability, the volume of orders and lead generation processing times please allow 4-7 BUSINESS DAYS to receive your package. Thank you in advance for understanding.
IMPORTANT: Always abide by all rules federal and state.
EARNING DISCLAIMER: We believe everyone can do well. However, by law, we’re unable to guarantee anyone make money selling or doing anything no matter how good our ideas are. At the end of the day, the law knows that it’s impossible for us to know who you are, what you’ll do, what your skill sets are etc. and therefore won’t allow us to make any guarantees about the speed in which you will or will not generate paychecks/commissions. As always, do your own due diligence before you jump into anything. Have an incredible day and thank you in advance.